• Overwhelmed and stressed constantly? 
  • Is it hard to focus and you feel you have brain fog? (like mom brain 24/7)
  • Are you scattered and finding yourself spread too thin?
  • Exhausted and depleted… like you could sleep for a week
  • Irritable with interruptions and people needing things from you 
  • Flooded with mom guilt ANYTIME you think about a night out with the girls, or taking a solo trip or getting a workout in? 

And perhaps most importantly, have you ever felt so deeply sad inside that you’ve wondered how you’re going to keep living like this? 

Well if you see yourself anywhere on that list I want you to know…

You. Are. Not. Alone. 

I was a successful CEO and mom who thought I was killing it until I face planted on my kitchen floor in front of my infant and toddler. My body couldn’t take the chronic stress and hustle I’d normalized. I found myself so disconnected from myself, my needs and wants that I didn’t know how I could sustain the life I’d built for myself. 

I wanted different results than I had been getting so I did something I’d never done. I went to Sedona AZ and had one life changing conversation. In that conversation I decided I needed to prioritize myself once and for all and that looked like taking two hours a day to be alone. 

It was freaky at first and I was certainly skeptical that putting myself on an adult “time out” (or time in) would really be the missing link. So I gave it 21 days. From Thanksgiving to Christmas 2020. 

And it changed my life. I wrote a bestselling book Take Two documenting the whole journey.

I get it...



… and I could honestly go on and on… but it already is starting to sound like a homework assignment for a marketing class. 

Get Instant Access to the Prioritize Me Challenge 

Once the book launched the reception was overwhelming. It became clear to me that I wasn’t alone in my initial desperation and that others like me wanted to shake things up and get help. The messages have been pouring in about women (and some men) who wanted to start taking two hours. I got a lot of questions and sensed a need for community around this. 

So I've built this 5 day challenge because I know first hand the power of prioritizing yourself. 

So join me! It’s time to make yourself a priority AND join a community of people committed to stop self betraying and do the unthinkable: and figure out how to make time in their busy lives. Join me and others ready to radically change. 

I am in!

Join this FREE 5 day challenge

Do You Feel....

What does this challenge entail?

  • Watch a daily 30 min breakthrough call with me! Think breakthrough meets motivation. These are power packed and energizing meet ups. If you can't show up live the replays will be sent out daily!
  • Complete a daily challenge to create time to do something you love, that restores you. We start small, with Day 1 being 15 minutes. By the end of the week you'll be surprised how you carved out luxurious 2 hours!

This is going to be such a powerful journey!